Hueco Tanks is a historic site in Texas that has a range of low mountains. If you’re in Texas and looking out for the right spot for adventurous outdoor activities on the weekend or holidays, this might be the place for you. Rock Climbing If you love climbing high places, you might consider putting Hueco Tanks on top of your list of sites to go for rock climbing. The bouldering season starts from October till March.

In February, a world-class bouldering contest, known as Hueco Rock Rodeo, is held in there. It attracts professional climbers from different places where they climb, socialize, and relax in their camps for a little showering and camping charge of $7 a day.

Bird Watching According to documentation back in 2002, this place had 222 species of different birds around it in a year. If you are passionate about bird watching, you might want to visit this place during migration seasons. The chances are that you might come across migratory birds like songbirds and waterfowl in there during that period.

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